Sunday, October 31, 2010

Looking Ahead

Upcoming cupcakes:
  • Cotton Candy
  • Snickers
  • Cookie Dough
  • Cherry Limeade
  • Sweet Potato
  • Reese's Cup
  • Strawberries N' Creme
  • Carrot Cake
You may request a saved cupcake starting one week before I bake the cupcake you want.

Caramel Apple

So yesterday when I made the apple pie cupcakes I got lazy and only filled a couple. This morning I went into my fridge and found a jar of caramel sauce, which is not what I needed for the original caramel apple cupcakes. Then I decided just to fill the cupcakes with this caramel sauce and put the apples on top. My result:

I'd say they're much better than the originals, and I'm very pleased with the outcome. Although I am worried the cake with soak up the caramel before I even pass them out later tonight. I guess I will just have to find out then!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Apple Pie

So basically I was planning on making caramel apple cupcakes and that obviously did not happen. I couldnt find a lot of the ingredients I needed so I threw some stuff together. I made a cinnamon and applesauce based cake and then filled it with some canned apple pie mix. Next time I will definitely make my own apple pie mix so that i can have the apples be tart. That way (in my opion)  it will compliment the frosting better. I left the frosting off so that it wouldn't be too sweet. Now theres just a drizzle of icing. At first I thought they tasted great but now they're just alright....definitely not my best, but they're good enough for a quick treat. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin lovers... it's going to be hard just eating one! They are pumpkiny (is that a word?) and have the right touch of spice. To finish the cupcakes off, they are frosted with a sweet cinnamon cream cheese frosting. I even added little candy corn pumpkins for fun!

I'm actually really proud of myself for these because it's one of the first times I have really changed the recipe. I altered the recipe a lot and they came out suprisingly good....I was worried they'd be gross. I can almost call it my own recipe. :) Well, I hope you enjoy these cute and delicious cakes! 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Red Velvet

They're here! Red Velvet cupcakes. I get more requests for these than anything else I bake. I had planned on making these later in the year around Christmas but my youth pastor requested them early. I will be making Peppermint Red Velvet at Christmas though.

Red Velvet is basically chocolate cake with food coloring to make it red. I must say, this is by far my favorite type of cake. I prefer to get mine from Bliss in Bethany Village. I really loooove their cupcakes.

I found this recipe online but tweaked it so that it was less dense. It was actually by accident because I needed a last minute substitution, but now I have my secret little ingredient. ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Looking Ahead

What to look forward to in the next two weeks:
-Red Velvet (Everyone's favorite, including mine)
-Pumpkin Spice (For the season of course!)
-Caramel Apple ( Halloween!)
-Cotton Candy (Hey, why not?)

Woooh cupcakes! :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

 Snickerdoodles. Yeah...those cookies we all know and love. But how about a snickerdoodle cupcake? Now that's an idea! They're good but CAUTION: they are sweeeeet!

I actually tried a cupcakes for myself, which is quite unusual. In my opinion, the cake was delicious but I had to scrape off a little of the cinnamon frosting. In the end though, if you love snickerdoodles and thick, sweet frosting, you will looove these! :)

P.S. My kitchen smells amazing :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cherry Cheesecake

Fresh right out of the oven!

Cupcake + Cheesecake = Heaven! So far these were my favorite to make and everything about them is just amazing. There's a vanilla wafer on the bottom, then yellow cake filled with a cheesecake center!

They're topped of with cherry pie filling. :) I'm in love!

German Chocolate

There's really no need to explain. Everybody knows what german chocolate is. Sweet, chocolately cake topped with a coconut pecan frosting.

Brooklyn Blackout

"A Brooklyn, New York, bakery called Ebinger's was famous for its intense chocolate cake, called Brooklyn Blackout, packaged in a signature blue box. The bakery closes in the early 1970s, but the buzz about these cakes lives on."

These are the first batch of cupcakes I made last Sunday. They are basically a dark chocolate cake with a pudding filling and pudding frosting. On top is crumbled cake.

From The Beginnning

Hey Everyone!

For my project I was getting a lot of requests for doing a blog. (Mostly from Courteney.) At first I didn't really want to, but hey whatever works. I am by no means a great or interesting writer so don't expect a lot from me and this blog. I basically want to be able to show the steps as I go through my capstone research and art component. I will be baking 50 different cupcake recipes in 25 weeks as a way of deciding what types of cupcakes I would have in my bakery if I were to open one. I bake cupcakes, you eat them and rate's really simple. One problem with the rating is that I don't always recieve the rating slips back. It would be greatly appreciated if you returned them back to me so I could get an accurate review of each recipe. If you forget, just post your rating to my blog! (Likes, dislikes, _/5) Thank you so much for trying and rating my cupcakes. It's really important to me and it will be very beneficial in the end.