Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The End

I finished my project but as you can see I never posted my last cupcakes. But my mother took great photo's and I can't go without showing them. So here they are all in one post. Enjoy!

Chai Spice: Chai flavored cake, Cinnamon buttercream.

Cherry Limeade: Lime flavor cake, maraschino cherry butter cream.

Samao: Chocolate cake, caramel butter cream,
caramel and coconut filling, drizzled with milk chocolate.

Skittles: fruity flavored cake, and skittles buttercream.

S'mores: Graham cracker bottom, chocolate cake, marshmallow frosting,
 sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs, and finished with a piece of chocolate.

Root Beer Float: Root beer flavored cake, root beer and vanilla swirl buttercream.

Caramel Macchiato: Coffee flavored cake, caramel butter cream,
topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle.
Strawberries and Creme: Strawberry marble cake, strawberry whipped cream cheese frosting.

White Chocolate Mocha: Mocha cake, white chocolate whipped cream,
topped with chocolate shapes and sprinkles.

Friday, March 25, 2011

What's New

I haven't posted in 23 days...yikes! But for those of you who follow me, yes I have successfully baked 50 different cupcakes in 25 weeks. Yaaaay for being done! I have many posts coming your way in the upcoming weeks about the last ten flavors. Of course, I didn't follow the post about upcoming flavors, as I never do. I just always find something better and more exciting that I want to bake.

The flavors that I did end up baking are:

*Strawberries and Creme
*Coconut Snowball
*White Chocolate Mocha
*Chai Spice
*Cherry Limeade
*Root Beer Float
*Caramel Macchiato

Be excited for some really great posts! They will be slow seeing as though I'm much busier than before. School is getting a little more insane and I got a job at Beaverton Bakery. Wooooh so just stick in there with me.

Here's a sneak peek photo of Strawberries and Creme just to keep you on your toes. ;)

Happy Cupcaking!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Almond Joy

Honestly, I have no idea why people even enjoy Almond Joys. To me, not to offend anyone, they are definitely old people candy bars. The only people I know who like them my age are Hannah (she drinks black coffee and has a mature taste) and then Trent (and he is pretty much an old man. Sweats and house slippers c'mon!). I really don't like them so I didn't even bother trying them. I brought them to a meeting for a mission trip I am going on and my mother also brought them to her friends- who are, of course, adults. Not many people my age had a chance to try them, but I don't really think they'd choose to anyways.

Photographed by Cristal Juarez-Henderson

Before even making these my original idea was to completely dip them in chocolate as shown above.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chocolate Malt

Who doesn't love a good old fashioned chocolate malt every once in a while? After seeing cupcake versions of this delectable treat on various food blogs, I knew I was being challenged to make them, but of course, TEN TIMES BETTER. ;) I found a recipe online but compleeeeetely took it into my own hands. Tripled the malt powder, added extra eggs, put in some whopper pieces...and some other minor details. I'd say they came out pretty fantastic. Since malt powder is not a strong flavor, I think I did well with having the flavor truly come through in the cake and the frosting.

Curses Cristal!!! (My mom) You are so good at taking pictures. Look at that lighting and clarity. Looks like it's out of a cookbook. I took some photos but they are nothing compared to these.

 Whooops... I should probably explain the topping as well... Yes you are seeing both whipped cream and buttercream. Even though I got many votes for whipped cream, I felt the cake needed the extra sweetness of buttercream so I threw some stuff together (no recipe, just to taste) and made it taste like a malt. I only put a thin layer of that though so it wouldn't be too sweet. Then on top of the buttercream I put together whipped cream with a touch of malt powder. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Thiiiick, and pipes beautifully. Not to mention the flavor is superb. This is another pumpkin cupcake situation where I'm way proud of myself since I can call it my own recipe. WOOOH!

P.S. 11 cupcakes left y'all!  (I did say "y'all" because I'm that excited)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lemon Raspberry

Let's all take a moment to celebrate. ONLY TWELVE RECIPES LEFT!!!! 12121212121212121212!!! I will have soooo much more free time when this project is done! Plus a big part of my capstone will be done. Woot woot! The project's final day is March 20th...keep your eyes out for the final cupcakes around school. I will most likely continue my blog beyond this project and beyond high school, just a lot less posting. You don't even know how many recipes I have saved on my computer. There's a world of them out there!

So the cupcakes. Same batter a the lemon chiffon since I made them together. If you want to know why they have a sucky texture scroll down. After filling half the pan for the normal lemon chiffon, I mixed the leftover batter with fresh raspberry pieces that I had cut up. They're all pretty with raspberry flecks...I love it :) I also made a homeade raspberry filling. It's not the same as the puree filling I had previously made, in case you were wondering. This takes the juice from the raspberries and boils it with some other things to form a thick sauce. I reeeeally like it and it complements the cake perfectly. Definitely my favorite cupcake so far, minus the texture thing. I just really love the flavor and could eat probably six of them right now. For the frosting I used the same lemon cream cheese buttercream as the other cupcakes... gotta keep the work on my end short!

I'm tempted to go eat another! Yuuuummy :)

Lemon Chiffon

Okay I kind of messed these up. I was hoping for so much success with these only to be let down in the end! I was mixing and separating LOTS of eggs just to make them perfect, little did I know how easy it is to over mix chiffon. When they say fold or mix lightly, they suuuper mean it. I admit, I didn't do much research before making them like I normally do. I'm getting lazy...it happens.

 I will most definitely be making them again though because I LOVE LEMON. LOVE IT! I put a whole cup of lemon juice in these...mmmm mmm! Don't worry, it is not overpowering. It's just peeerfecto! The frosting is a lemon cream cheese  buttercream, and as we all know I also love cream cheese. :) It's my perfect cupcake...minus the whole chewy, rubbery texture ordeal...whoops!

Bottom line: Fantastic flavor...not so fantastic texture.

Vegan Vanilla

Let me start off by saying that I think vegan cupcakes shouldn't exist. If you're vegan...more power to you! But you are ruining a perfectly decent cupcake. Everything that makes a cupcake so great is gone! I can't use butter! BUTTER PEOPLE BUTTER. THE YUMMY FLAVORFUL DELICIOUSNESS IN THE BATTER. I can't even use it in the frosting. All the frostings that are worth mentioning have butter or some other dairy product. Then there is the who egg issue. Eggs give the cupcakes their moistness and work as a leveler. Uhhh I need my eggs! I also kind of need milk! MILKMILKMILK. Not to mention I have a tendency to throw in some sour cream to many of my batters and obviously I couldn't here. The list of things I can't use goes on and on and ooon, but I should probably evaluate these disgrace of a cupcake. (Just being real!)

I took this picture to give these cupcakes a little credit no matter how anti I may be. They turned out to be super moist (look above!) and a pretty good, light, cakey texture. It sounds good, I know, but it's really the taste of the whole cupcake that I did not like. When my mom tried these babies, she seemed okay for half a second, then her face scrunched and she gagged them up! Appealing right? I tried them and didn't spit them out immediately, but they did make my stomach hurt a little. Being brave, I took another bite...it was only of the cake this time, and it wasn't half bad. I concluded with the frosting be wretched due to my lack of shortening and salt free butter substitutions. This cupcake is in no way my cup of tea, but I know I could improve them to make them much better.

Happy Cupcaking :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Final Countdown!

All that is left...

1. Lemon Raspberry
2. Lemon Chiffon
3. Coconut Snowball
4. Almond Joy
5. Froot Loops or Skittles
6. White Chocolate Mocha
7. Cappuccino Chip
8. Caramel Machiatto
9. Pistachio
10. Berries N' Creme
11. Triple Butterscotch
12. Chocolate Malt
13. S'mores

Gluten Free Red Velvet

Oh. my. word. These were actually pretty delicious. The person who only eats cupcakes on occasion (meeee) had two! TWO! If you know me that is a big deal. I was so proud of myself for these cupcakes. I got a tip from Emily Miller to use Pamela's Baking Mix. Thank you so much! It made a difference I'm sure! These cupcakes were great. They tasted like red velvet but had more of a carrot cake texture. My friends mom told me they were the best gluten free cupcakes she had ever tried and that made me happier than you could imagine. One problem I encountered was that the cupcakes fell in the center. The manufacturers do have a little disclaimer about using a thick batter but I thought I could outsmart them and use a light, fluffy batter. My logic was that if the flour substitute is so coarse, then I need a light batter to counter balance. I can't imagine how the texture would have been with a thicker batter, but I will try that next time I make gluten free. The best part about them falling is MORE CREAM CHEESE FROSTING!!!! My favorite frosting of all time. I can eat it plain. LOVELOVELOVELOVE!!! Anyways...I'm super proud of myself and the end!

Happy Cupcaking!

Pineapple Upside-Down

I have never in my life tried pineapple upside-down. I did a lot of research on these before making them since I had no idea what they should taste like. After finally deciding on recipes, I was really not satisfied with the final result. I come to these cupcakes in the morning before school (I'm hungry and I love pineapple) and I decide to try them. First bite...I instantly spit it out. They were so gross! The pineapple made the bottom gross and runny and it didn't brown like in the pictures online. I got positive feedback but I think people may have just been nice because boy oh boy these were gross. One of my friends I could tell genuinely enjoyed the cupcake, but I really want to try making it again.

To explain these a little better, I'll do a quick break down of the cupcake. At the bottom is a buttered, brown sugared pineapple and a maraschino cherry. Over that is yellow cake with a hint of pineapple. I then finished the cupcakes off with a brown sugar frosting. I wasn't a fan of the frosting either so next time I will be making a recipe from my own brain. I just really don't like these cupcakes in the slightest.