Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gluten Free Red Velvet

Oh. my. word. These were actually pretty delicious. The person who only eats cupcakes on occasion (meeee) had two! TWO! If you know me that is a big deal. I was so proud of myself for these cupcakes. I got a tip from Emily Miller to use Pamela's Baking Mix. Thank you so much! It made a difference I'm sure! These cupcakes were great. They tasted like red velvet but had more of a carrot cake texture. My friends mom told me they were the best gluten free cupcakes she had ever tried and that made me happier than you could imagine. One problem I encountered was that the cupcakes fell in the center. The manufacturers do have a little disclaimer about using a thick batter but I thought I could outsmart them and use a light, fluffy batter. My logic was that if the flour substitute is so coarse, then I need a light batter to counter balance. I can't imagine how the texture would have been with a thicker batter, but I will try that next time I make gluten free. The best part about them falling is MORE CREAM CHEESE FROSTING!!!! My favorite frosting of all time. I can eat it plain. LOVELOVELOVELOVE!!! Anyways...I'm super proud of myself and the end!

Happy Cupcaking!

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