Saturday, February 12, 2011


Sorry for posting these late! I'v been really lazy and my mom finally nagged me enough that I am here posting once again. I had seen this flavor in local cupcake shops before but their cupcakes never really seemed to catch the essence of a orangesicle pop. They tend to be just orange cake with vanilla frosting and that is not what I wanted. I did a lot of research on this recipe to figure out exactly what I wanted. For the cupcake I settled on a vanilla bean base since it resembles ice cream the most. In order to make the orange taste come through in the cupcake I chose to experiment with the poke cake technique. I had never done it before so I was worried they wold come out soggy. Basically you mix flavored jell-o with water and pour it over cupcakes that have poked holes in them. It supposed to create a tye-dyeish effect but that didn't work too well for me. I didn't pour as much jell-o as I thought I did so the effect didn't show like I wanted. Next time though I'll do it better.

As for the frosting I made two different types and swirled them together. I think this aspect is what captured the orangesicle taste most. The white is a marshmallow fluff made from scratch and the orange is an orange buttercream. I kept adding in orange juice to make the flavor come through but it was getting runny and still lacking flavor. I then just took a lemon and went to town! I bet you couldn't even tell it was lemon-orange frosting. The orange color is deceiving. :) Overall I like how they came time I just need to master the poke cake technique!


  1. I just came across your blog and have been reading it all night - wonderful!!! DO you share your recipes. I have just started making cakes and have been experimenting with cupcakes every weekend.

  2. Sorry I didn't notice you're comment until now. Since my project is basically over I lost touch with the blog but any recipe you want just let me know!

  3. I was wondering if I could get this recipe. My husband had someone brought in some creamsicle flavored cupcakes to work that their wife had made and he loved them. So I am looking for recipes so I can make them. Thanks. email to
